Part 1

The Heavens are singing
about how great God is;
and the skies are shouting it out;
“See what God has made!”
Day after day…Night after night…
They are speaking to us.

Psalm 19:1-2(paraphrase)

How are you all today?

Last time, in: ‘Developing a Temporary Rule of Life for Families’, we looked at coming together and making a schedule to live and work by as a family, while we have to stay home together. Mine looks like this:

Daily Rhythm

  • Breakfast & Awareness (how are you feeling today in your body and soul?)

  • Need-to-do’s (schoolwork, parents work, housework) and exercise

  • Play

  • Lunch & Bible thought

  • Quiet time alone

  • Want to learn (baking, bike riding, sewing, etc)

  • Screen time

  • Dinner and days reflection

  • Bath, jammies, bedtime

Yours is likely to be different, but will surely have breakfast, lunch and dinner! At these 3 times of the day we can look at ways to help us connect with each other, and with God. These activities will still us, calm us down, and help us to feel supported and loved. And when we do this, it is an opportunity for God to touch us too. These activities are called anchors and provide a rhythm, as in ancient Celtic Christian practices.

Let’s Get Started!

1. Breakfast and AWARENESS: How are you feeling today in your body and soul?

Take a moment to check in with each other.
Feeling like a stretch? Let’s go!

Try this with your child:

  • Scrunch both your hands into tight fists. Then open and stretch your fingers out.

  • Now squeeze your whole self down, down into a ball. THINK: ‘What am I feeling today? Am I upset, or worried about anything? Am I annoyed, angry or scared...or happy!’ Then uncurl and stretch yourself tall.

  • Again, scrunch both your hands into tight fists. Now when you open up your hands and stretch your fingers wide - let go of those feelings to God. We can ask for help, or we can say thank you.

Share with each other what this exercise was like for you.
Take a moment to pray for the day ahead.

2. Lunch and BIBLE THOUGHT: Genesis 1: 3-8 (The Jesus Storybook Bible)

‘God said, “Hello light!” and the light shone into the darkness. God called the light, “Day” and the darkness, “Night.” You’re good,” said God and they were.

Then God said, “Hello sea! Hello sky!” and a great space opened up, wide and deep and high. “You’re good,” God said. And they were.’

Try this:

  • Go to the window and look out at the sky for 5 minutes. What colours do you see? Watch the clouds move. What shapes do you see? Draw some of those cloud shapes on a paper. What do they look like? 

  • The air in the sky gives us oxygen to breathe. Our blood carries the oxygen molecules around our body to keep us alive. Have a look:

  • Say thank you to God for the miracle of breathing in oxygen from the air! 

We see everything around us because of the Sun. You probably missed sunrise this morning, but try to check out the sunset this evening. At what time? Ask Mum/Dad/Granny/Grandad to check it on their phone so you can be ready.

Why does the sun rise and set, giving us day and night? Have a look:

Run back to the window, look up and thank God for his wonderful Day and Night!

3. Dinner and DAY’S REFLECTION:

1. What has been good today? 

  • Either share or write/draw them.

  • Thank God for these things.

2. What has been hard today?

  • What has felt uncomfortable, or sad, or fearful?

  • Either share or write/draw them.

  • Speak these out to God, and listen for what he might say to you about them.

  • Sit quietly and thank him for being with you.

3. Try this:

  • Light a candle together, and pray for family and friends, people who are sick, and for the doctors and the nurses. 

Now – off to bed and sweet dreams! 

Inside, my heart is very quiet.
As quiet as lying still in soft green grass
In a meadow
By a little stream.

(Psalm 23:2 The Jesus Storybook Bible)

Some help and support for Parents/Guardians.

1. Have a look at this article on how to manage anxiety in uncertain times:

2. Faith in Kids have a podcast for parents on how to manage your daily schedules at this time:

Jenny Walley