Part 4

Good morning, good yawning!

That’s right - good yawning! Have a really good, long yawn to shake those cobwebs and creepy crawlies away (WHAT?!!), and stretch up, up to the ceiling.

I wonder what we’re going to be looking at today.   

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Let’s get started!

1. Breakfast and AWARENESS: How are you feeling today in your body and soul?

Take a moment to ask each other how the yawning and stretching felt.

If you have any TREES outside in the garden or street, then have a good look at them now from the window. See the different shapes their branches make, and how they move in the wind.

Try this: make your legs stand very still and strong. And move your upper body from your waist round and round and swing your arms in all directions: to the side and up and down. Then wiggle your fingers – YOU ARE A TREE IN THE WIND!

Now bring your arms together and clap as loud as you can. Again & again. The trees are clapping their hands!

Did you know that it says in the Bible: ‘…and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.’? It says this in Isaiah, where the writer is talking about people going from a difficult place to a better place, a good place where there’s joy and peace.

Well…that’s kind of like us at the moment, we’re in a difficult place, being at home while a lot of people are sick, or worried or afraid all around the world.


2. Lunch and BIBLE THOUGHT: Genesis 1: 11-12 (The Jesus Storybook Bible)

 “Hello trees!” God said.” Hello grass and flowers!” And everything everywhere burst into life. He made buds bud: shoots shoot: flowers flower. You’re good,” God said. And they were.’

Right now Spring is here! Why don’t you try a mindfulness-in-the-presence-of-God walk today? Go slowly, and whenever you see a new sign of spring-time, a new bud, a new leaf or tiny flower – stop!

·   Look closely – aren’t the tiny green leaves uncurling so amazingly small and perfect?

·   Touch gently – what does a little bud feel like?

·   Smell everything – is that smell called ‘green’!

And when you see some signs of new life, you can imagine how the land was when first created at the beginning.

Try this: When you see a new bud, you can say, ‘He made buds bud!’

                If you see a new shoot, say, ‘He made shoots shoot!’

                And for a new flower, say, ‘He made flowers flower!

You could even shout: ‘You’re good!’

God loved the world he made, and so should we. As you enjoy your slow, mindful nature walk today tell him how much you love it too.

If you are not able to go outside, have a look at this great video explaining how flowers move and bloom in spring:


3. Dinner and DAY’S REFECTION:

1. What did you like best about your nature walk today?

2. How do you think God feels when he sees people spoil the Earth with pollution and plastic?

3. Is there anything which made you feel sad or angry today?

You could share this together if it helps.

Just before you go to sleep, think of all the lovely spring-time things you saw, touched and smelled today. Thank God for them. You could imagine the wind blowing in the branches of the trees outside – can you hear the leaves rustling? You might want to tell God you love him. Maybe if you wait and listen long enough, he’ll say it back to you.

Night, night. Sleep tight.


Some help and support for Parents/Guardians.

Why am I feeling like this? This is short, so no need to leave till later. Very helpful advice for us at this present time:

I’m guessing most of you will be working for home. So, how can you make it work for you:

Jenny Walley